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How and why transition from TI-84 to TI-Nspire CX

Results of the discussion group DG1.8 at Sharing Inspirations 2019.
Theme: Transition from TI-84 to TI-Nspire.

Autor: Epi van Winsen

Fach:  Mathematik

Schlagwörter  Software ,  Analysis ,  Konstruktionen ,  Kurvenanpassung ,  Differenzieren ,  Ableitung ,  Grenzwert ,  Modellierung ,  Parabel ,  Sharing Inspiration 2019

In this group we talked about WHY and HOW.

The WHY part gave some WOW examples to show (part of) the extra value of the TI-Nspire as a didactical tool.

The HOW part is an analysis of the problems that occur in the countries that participated in this group.

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