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Recording of Sharing Inspiration: A journey from the binomial theorem to mathematical art

From binomial coefficients to Pascal Triangle and Sierpinksi-like fractals by developing your own program in Python.

Publisher: T³ Europe

Editor: Ian Galloway

Author: Robert Cabane

Topic:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Tags: Python, Pascal, Sierpinski, Sharing Inspiration 2022

A journey from the binomial theorem to mathematical art

From binomial coefficients to Pascal Triangle and Sierpinksi-like fractals by developing your own program in Python

Publisher: T³ Europe

Editor: Ian Galloway

Author: Robert Cabane

Topic:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Tags: Python, Pascal, Sierpinski, Sharing Inspiration 2022

Le triangle de Pascal

En 1654, Blaise Pascal écrit son Traité du triangle arithmétique dans lequel il donne une présentation pratique en tableau des coefficients du binôme, appelé maintenant « triangle de Pascal…

Publisher: T3 France

Editor: T3 France

Author: Robert Cabane, Laurent Didier

Topic:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Tags: Pascal, Combinaisons, Binôme, Sierpinski, Programming, Recursion, Python