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The Bungee Jumper: a simple mathematical model

Exploring the energy transfers as a bungee jumper falls by considering each of the three stores (kinetic, gravitational and elastic) as a function of x and then summing.

Publisher: T³ Europe

Author: Ian Galloway

Topic:  MINT

Tags  Beschleunigung ,  Algebra ,  Dynamische Simulation ,  Funktionen ,  Mathematisches Denken ,  Mechanik ,  Modellierung ,  Physik ,  Sharing Inspiration 2019 ,  Stochastik ,  Nachhaltigkeit

Exploring the energy transfers as a bungee jumper falls by considering each of the three stores (kinetic, gravitational and elastic) as a function of x and then summing.  Most text books ignore the problem and only consider energy conservation in horizontally oscillating systems as then there are only two stores to consider.  Some texts even state that the vertically oscillating system is too difficult to analyse, but here, using dynamic geometry the solution is easy to see!

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